I Didn’t Like Him At All

I don't like that man. I must get to know him better. - Abraham Lincoln

What a fine two-sentence sermon.

Lots of my friends gave me bad first impressions. At first blush, they seemed cold. No firm handshake. Not my type. They instantly put me on the defense or rubbed me the wrong way. I questioned their lifestyle choices. Not from my tribe. Different.

I might not have presented my best side either.

Maybe we were just having a bad day. Over time, I've grown to realize that we're not the sum of our worst contemptible moments. Maybe there will be good reasons to dislike them. No one is perfect. Look long enough and you'll find their faults. My Dad used to tell me, "Everyone is crazy except you and me...and sometimes I wonder about you."

Even the most despicable among us bears some worthy quality or virtue. God's image has not been entirely erased. But I guess you'd need to know them better.

Such knowledge requires intentionality. Decisions to make personal efforts. Face-to-face. Heart-to heart. Something more than lobs through keyboards and social media.

Getting to know them better takes effort and a willingness to be misunderstood - by them as well as by your own people. Jesus faced tough criticism from those who disapproved of his friendship with tax collectors, prostitutes, and sinners. But I'm convinced He had it right.

White folks need to know black folks, and black folks need to know white folks. At least one. The older need to know the young. Even the one's with saggy pants, dyed hair and tattoos. Straights need to know gays. Religious folks need to know an atheist. Get to know someone who doesn't look like you - dress like you - think like you - vote like you.

At least one. Try to know them better. Get a larger view. You might see a little bit of God in them after all.




  1. T. Walden on December 19, 2019 at 12:55 am

    You are right. It seems we are crowded in our world and yet isolated in society. I’m the only one who can take action to awaken to my connection to humankind and the Universe.

  2. Dana Hancock on December 27, 2019 at 1:43 pm

    My Pastor says “to meet people where they are “. No one has the same story as you but to share Jesus you have to start where they are. There is always lesson to learn and maybe you have one to share too.