Triage – In light of eternity?
Wars wound bodies as well as minds.
Multitudes fall victim to unleashed weapons - the bullets, bombs and bayonets. But all humans bear the brunt of struggles over beliefs. In the wars over ideas, no one escapes the violence and collateral damage.
Advocates and victims ring out like wind chimes clanging in a thunder storm. One person's melody is another person's noise. Some cry - and others react to cries - about war on religion, war on science, culture wars, war against women, war against babies, war against men, war on drugs, war on poverty, war on terror, trade wars, war on crime, wars for the heart and soul of nations, etc..... You get the drift.
We personally conduct mental TRIAGE - our own assessment of urgency for addressing the condition of widespread casualties and losses. Quite frankly, finding the right place to start is overwhelming. Some losses seem too far gone, so we throw in the towel. Some conditions don't seem worth the time and effort. So we pass on by. In reality, many casualties might survive or turn around if someone gets on it in a hurry. But you can't do it all.
In evaluating how we "chime in," do our TRIAGE priorities reflect thoughtful assessments, or do we simply react to the most recent "emergency" news broadcast and social media posts? Do the revolving crises in the 24-hour news cycle command our attention to the point of distraction?
Your neighbor thinks issue X demands the ultimate degree of effort and concern, while you believe that issue Y deserves the limelight. Instead of respecting other's TRIAGE assessments, fratricide and "friendly fire" erupts. I know I'm guilty, and I need a larger view.
Jesus lived in a time of great political upheaval and uncertainty. A pagan army occupied his country. Religious leaders sought to kill him and eventually succeeded. Gladiators and prostitutes entertained the Roman crowds. Jesus saw the chaos and carnage to come. Within a generation, the Jewish temple and Jerusalem fell. Yet, against all odds, a small band of His believers changed the course of world history.
Jesus gave some counter-intuitive TRIAGE orders. Love your enemies. Pray for those who use and abuse you. Forgive. Heal the wounded. Sounds like His TRIAGE plan should be standing orders for us as well.
You're on a TRIAGE team too. What condition or loss deserves level one emergency assessments? Now...look at in light of the bigger picture - eternity.
So where will you start?
It seems part of the process of getting “fired up” often accompanies a loss of sense of direction.